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Mundo Agrario
Revistas de la FaHCE
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Vol. 8 No. 16 (2008)
Food quality and safety in export fresh fruit horticultural products: Implying in the labor process of agribusiness related to sweat citrus fruit in Entre Rios province
Nidia Tadeo
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"Represent and do not command": Peasant leaders in Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Patricia Beatriz Durand
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Perception of climate variability, information use and strategies of the agents in front of risk. Characterizing mental models in decision-making of agriculturalists from Argentine pampas
Andrés Barsky, Guillermo Podestá, Fernando Ruiz Toranzo
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Notes on the social relationships and administrative organization of the Mendoza 's country space at the beginning of the revolutionary process (1810-1814)
Eugenia Molina
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The agrarian matter in Argentina
Horacio Giberti
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The construction of nineteenth century frontier in the Río de la Plata historiography
Roberto Schmit
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Jesuit missions on the Guayrá area on the first decades of the XVII century
Julia A. Ossanna
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Dossier: Agrarian History and recovery of local memory, Gualeguaychú (Entre Ríos)
Dossier: Agrarian History and recovery of local memory, Gualeguaychú (Entre Ríos). Introduction
Talía V. Gutiérrez, Graciela Tadeo
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Lucienville's Agriculture Corp. Ltda.
Patricia Boari, Nora V. Fistein, Antonio M. Odriozola, Susana Rébora, Mario E. Solari
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Mechanization incidence on local entrerriana agriculture on commerce structure. The "Irigoyen" hardware of Gualeguaychú, 1953-1960
Carlos Caballero, Vanesa Lapalma, Cintia Otero, Eduardo Ramírez, Ricardo Romo
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The inundation of 1959: its efects on the south of Entre Ríos
Silvia A. Razzetto
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"Palo a Pique": Anales de la Sociedad Rural
María de los Ángeles Gebhardt
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Ramón Garrabou (coord). 2006. Historia agraria dels Països Catalans. Vol. IV. Segles XIX-XX. Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i l'innovació i varies Universitats: Barcelona. 663 p.
Ricardo Robledo
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Débora Finkelstein y María Marta Novella (comps.). 2005. Poblamiento del Noroeste del Chubut. Aportes para su historia. Esquel: Centro de Investigaciones 'El hombre Patagónico y su Medio'; Fundación Ameghino; Editorial FB. 181 p.
Fabián Arias
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Francisco Espinosa Maestre. 2007. La primavera del Frente Popular. Los campesinos de Badajoz y el origen de la guerra civil (marzo-julio de 1936). Barcelona: Crítica
Magdalena González
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Mónica Blanco. 2007. Reforma en el agro pampeano. Arrendamiento, propiedad y legislación agraria en la provincia de Buenos Aires, 1940-1960. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. 350 p.
Silvia Lázzaro
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Alberto Tasso. 2007. Ferrocarril, quebracho y alfalfa. Un ciclo de agricultura capitalista en Santiago del Estero, 1870-1940. Córdoba: Alción. 347 p.
Alicia Guevel
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