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Vol. 9 No. 17 (2008)
Captives on the estates of Uruguayan-Brazilian's border
Eduardo R Palermo
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The migration on the domestic unit: a case study in two municipalities of the Argentine-Bolivian's border (Los Toldos, Salta and Padcaya, Tarija)
Luciana Nicola
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The decline of the north Córdoba ecosystem and the limitations of the peasant economies
Beatriz Ensabella
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Gender and work on argentinian country. Discourses and social representations (1946-1962)
Alejandra de Arce, Isabel Patiño Alcívar
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The inundation of 2001 in Buenos Aires province, Argentina
Olga Eugenia Scarpati, Juan Alberto Forte Lay, Alberto Daniel Capriolo
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Dossier: Studies about rural world of the urban periphery
Dossier Studies about rural world of the urban periphery
Silvia Attademo, Roberto Ringuelet
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The complexity of a social field peripheral centered on La Plata 's rural zones
Roberto Ringuelet
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The cultural context in the perform of rural development's projects. The case of Pereyra Iraola Park
Alida Patricia Dominguez
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Identity productions and inter cultural relationships at La Plata 's periphery
Adriana Archenti
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Social bonds and strategies: ¿Is it an option for the horticultural impoverishment families?
Silvia Attademo
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Noemí M. Girbal-Blacha; Sonia Mendonça (coord.) 2007. Cuestiones agrarias en Argentina y Brasil . Buenos Aires: Prometeo. 380 p
María Verónica Secreto
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José Antônio Pádua. 2002. Um sopro de destruição: pensamento político e crítica ambiental no Brasil escravista, 1786-1888. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. 318 p
Daniel Vieira Nunes
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Marta Bonaudo; Andrea Reguera; Blanca Zeberio (coord). 2008. Las escalas de la historia comparada. Tomo I: Dinámicas sociales, poderes políticos y sistemas jurídicos. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila. 334 p
Paula Salguero
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Juan Carlos Garavaglia. 2007. Construir el estado, inventar la nación. El Río de la Plata , siglos XVIII-XIX . Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros. 405 p
María Angélica Corva
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Joan Martínez Alier. 2007. O Ecologismo dos pobres: conflitos ambientais e linguagens de valoração . São Paulo: Contexto. 379 p
Carlos Alberto Lucio Bittencourt Filho
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Juan Manuel Palacio; Magdalena Candioti (compiladores). 2007. Justicia, política y derechos en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros. 221 p
Andrés Stagnaro
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