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Vol. 15 No. 30 (2014)
Memory maps: two rural judges listing the inhabitants of their district and his economics activities (Pago de los Arroyos, Santa Fe del Río de la Plata, 1738)
Darío Gabriel Barriera
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Justicia de proximidad y gobierno político-militar en la frontera. Equipamiento institucional del Valle de Uco (Mendoza) durante el proceso revolucionario (1810-1820)
Eugenia Molina
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Glimpses of new subject: Workers salting conflicts and the formation of the working class at Entre Ríos (1854-1868)
Rodolfo Leyes
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Entre puertos, campos y acopios: Trabajo y transporte de granos en torno al Sudeste bonaerense.
Paula Tagliabue
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Memory and endurance in the migration to the Amazon: the case of Nova Londrina in Ji-Parana, state of Rondonia, Brazil
Lediane Fani Felzke, Dalva Felipe de Oliveira, Jania Maria de Paula
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Pressões e oposições contra pequenos criadores familiares de gado bovino leiteiro da zona periurbana do Município de Castanhal (Pará, Brasil – Amazônia Oriental)
Robertho Marconi Santos Ruas, Gutemberg Armando Diniz Guerra, Diego Corrêa Furtado, William Santos de Assis
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Community Associations of Rural Areas: A Case Study in Central West of Minas
Carla Toledo, Nora Beatriz Presno Amodeo
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Family Reunions: Broadened Kinship, Celebrated Rurality
Renata Menasche, Josiane Carine Wedig
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The impacts of the expansion of fruit farming businesses In the Commune of Llay Llay, Aconcagua Valley, Chile
Claudia Gonzalez Cid
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Lanteri, Sol, Un vecindario federal. La construcción del orden rosista en la frontera sur de Buenos Aires (Azul y Tapalqué), Centro de Estudios Históricos “Prof. Carlos S. A. Segreti”-CONICET, Córdoba, Argentina, 2011, 351 pp.
Juan Luis Martirén
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Dossier: Propiedad de la tierra en Argentina: actores, conflictos y territorialidad
Ownership of the land in Argentina: actors, conflicts and territoriality
Luis Alberto Tognetti
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Social relations in rural areas. Córdoba, 1780-1855
Ana Ines Ferreyra
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Los títulos coloniales y la propiedad plena en la región pampeana cordobesa a fines del siglo XIX
Luis Alberto Tognetti
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Colonization and agricultural policy in the province of Buenos Aires. Sectoral demands and official responses during the first half of the 20th century
Monica Blanco
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Conflict and resistances in the margins of The Pampas (1990-2012)
María Eugenia Comerci
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