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Revistas de la FaHCE
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Vol. 15 No. 29 (2014)
The Country's Conflict. Cultural matrices and political identifications
Sebastián Rigotti
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The impact of a new port: the construction of its hinterland and foreland. Puerto Quequén, province of Buenos Aires between 1921 and 1932
José Mateo
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Evolution of Brazilian Agricultural Policy: 1980-2010
Carlos Enrique Guanziroli
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Bordeaux of Talca and Champagne of Mendoza: Appellations of Origin and identity contamination of wines in Argentina and Chile
Pablo Alberto Lacoste, Diego Ignacio Jiménez Cabrera, Félix Maximiano Briones Quiroz, Amalia Castro San Carlos, Bibiana Marcela Rendón Zapata, José Gabriel Jeffs Munizaga
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History background of the unity of the “pampeanas” agricultural groups. The formation of the Liaison Committee and the dispute over the rent (1970-1973)
Gonzalo Sebastián Sanz Cerbino
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Networks for the promotion of territorial development in the horticultural belt platense. Reflections and contributions
Cecilia Seibane Seibane, Gustavo Larrañaga, Claudia Kebat, Guillermo Hang, Guillermina Ferraris, María Laura Bravo
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The agropecuarian sector in Los Lagos region, and the paradigm "Chile power food": challenges for a national agrarian policy
Sandra Ríos Núñez, Gustavo Torres Osses
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A significance do Aquisição Food Programme (PAA) gives us Territórios cidadania two states of Minas Gerais and Bahia: Creation of markets from novos da visão two Assistência Agents Technique and Extensão Rural (ATER)
Telma Coelho Silva, Palloma Rosa Ferreira, Nora Beatriz Presno Amodeo
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O uso e manejo dos recursos naturais na Amazônia Brasileira: a organização social e produtiva do PDS Nova Bonal
Cleiton Silva Ferreira Milagres, Roseni Aparecida de Moura, José Ambrósio Ferreira Neto
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Agustín E. Casagrande
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Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (Thirteenth-Twentieth Centuries), editado por Gérard Béaur, Phillipp R. Schofield, Jean-Michel Chevet y María Teresa Pérez Picazo. Brepols Publisher, Turnhout, 2013
Ofelia Rey Castelao
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Dossier: Nuevas miradas sobre la innovación tecnológica en la agricultura argentina, 1880-1940
New perspectives on technological innovation in Argentine agriculture, 1880-1940
Julio Djenderedjian
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To cultivate the farmer in the dry Pampas. Generation and spread of agricultural knowledge in the first decades of the twentieth century
Federico Martocci
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Agricultural education, enologists and technology to ‘quality wine industry’, Mendoza, 1890-1930
Florencia Rodriguez Vázquez
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"The sugar proceeds from the land". The role of state agencies in modernizing of Tucuman sugarcane agriculture (1880-1910)
Daniel Moyano
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