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Revistas de la FaHCE
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Vol. 15 No. 28 (2014)
Scientific experimentation, avian genetics and military dictatorship in the National Agricultural Technology Institute (1956-1976)
Cecilia Gárgano
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Development and limits of the tractor industry in Argentina (1955-1978) Situation in the context of international competition
Damián Bil
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De chacareros a rentistas: trayectorias de abandono de la actividad agropecuaria en el SO bonaerense (Puán y Adolfo Alsina, 1988-2012)
Natalia Lopez Castro
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Movementist Tradition. A category for thinking about the relations of continuity and rupture between historical and contemporary agricultural organizations of Misiones province
Delia Ramírez
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On the homogenization of the tax burden on the Pampas agriculture that followed the devaluation
Diego Ariel Fernández
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Business associations in agriculture and accumulation crisis, 1998-1999. A precedent for the "Mesa de Enlace"
Sebastián Salvia
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The agribusiness specialization of argentine business groups during the boom, crisis and exit of the convertibility regime. The cases of Bunge and Pérez Companc
Alejandro Gaggero
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El Grado de Ruralidad del Empleo Agrario Pampeano a Comienzos del Siglo XXI. Un Análisis Espacial
José Luis Pellegrini
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Instituciones y recursos hídricos: aportes conceptuales para una práctica política congruente con las necesidades locales
Paula Mussetta
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El comercio indio-criollo en La Guajira colombo-venezolana: intercambios, disputas y reglamentaciones 1840-1861
José Trinidad Polo Acuña, Diana Carmona Nobles
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Conservação do Bioma Pampa e a contribuição do Desenvolvimento Rural
Viviane Camejo Pereira
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Territorial (Dis)Ordering in Salta. A look into the context prior to the Territory Planning of Native Forests in the Province of Salta
Mariana Schmidt
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Rural Development and the Contribution of Psychology: A Review of the State of the Art
Javier Roberti, Giannina Mussi
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Dalla-Corte Caballe, Gabriela (2012) Mocovíes, franciscanos y colonos de la zona chaqueña de Santa Fe (1850-2011). El liderazgo de la mocoví Dora Salteño en Colonia Dolores, Prohistoria Ediciones, Rosario, 455 p., con mapas, cuadros y fotografías.
Romina Belén Zampa
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Guillermo Banzato (Dir.) 2013. Tierras Rurales. Políticas, transacciones y mercados en Argentina, 1780-1914. Rosario. Prohistoria Ediciones. 242 p.
Diego Muñiz
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