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Vol. 11 No. 21 (2010)
Economic concentration in the Pampeana region: The case of the financial trustfunds
Diego Ariel Fernández
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Problems in the diary sector from a political point of view: Actors and sectorial forms of representation in the last period
María Elena Nogueira
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Agricultural producers, undulated pampa and edaphic problems. A study of case in the Buenos Aires north-east
Pedro Tsakoumagkos, Alicia Giordano Buiani
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Family farms in the Pampas region of Argentina. The use of production factors of production and their relationship with new family dynamics
Melina Neiman
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The social welfare during the classic Peronism. The expansion of health services to rural areas of the municipalities in the province of Mendoza (1946-1955)
Ivana Hirschegger
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The agro issue on Aldo Ferrer's perspective. A re-evaluation of "La Economía Argentina" political discurse and the history practice during the nationalist openess (1970-1971)
Tomás Elías Zeitler
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Advance, persistence and decline of misery in the Chaco campesino-aborigen. His relationship with some territorial processes that occurred during the 90's
Fernando Longhi
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Territorialidades, lived and senses of place in advance of the productive frontier times spaces
María Eugenia Comerci
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Land access and conservation strategies among ranqueles (Colonia Emilio Mitre, La Pampa, first half of 20th century)
Claudia Salomón Tarquini
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Extensive sheep production in the Austral Patagonia: the case of Santa Cruz central zone
Larry Andrade, Valeria Bedacarratx, Roberto Alvarez
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Lights and shadows of sustainable development and combat against desertification: economic rationalities in the eye of the storm. Case study involving goat producers in drylands (Mendoza, Argentina)
Laura Torres
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Small rural towns, global change and local knowledge. Comparative studies in Latin America
Graciela Nogar, Silvina Cecilia Carrizo
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From the country to the "tabladas". The cattle commerce in Buenos Aires 1830-1840. Structure and dynamics of the system
María Elena Infesta
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The oilturism as a engine for rural development. The denomination of montoro-adamuz
María Genoveva Millán Vázquez de la Torre, Emilio J. Morales Fernández, Eva M. Agudo Gutiérrez
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Dossier: Power networks on Buenos Aires' rural world. Judges of peace of Provincia de Buenos Aires. Bonds, links and rel
Introduction: Power webs on Buenos Aires' rural world. Judges of peace of Provincia de Buenos Aires. Bonds, links and relationships
Andrea Reguera
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Family, networks and power in Guardia de Luján
Bibiana Andreucci
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Judges of peace, masons and conservatives on Buenos Airesïcountryside. An approximation to the personal links on the south of the Buenos Airesïprovince (Tres Arroyos, 1865-1910)
Leandro A. Di Gresia
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The building and working of an ego-centric web of power. The epistolar exchange of Juan Manuel de Rosas with the judges of peace of the Buenos Airesïcountryside (1829-1852)
Andrea Reguera
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Darío Barriera [Coord.] 2010. La Justicia y las formas de la autoridad. Organización política y justicias locales en territorios de frontera. El Río de la Plata, Córdoba, Cuyo y Tucumán, siglos XVIII-XIX. Rosario: ISHIR CONICET-Red Columnaria. 307 p.
Agustín E. Casagrande
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Claudia Torre. 2010. Literatura en tránsito. La narrativa expedicionaria de la Conquista del Desierto. Buenos Aires: Prometeo. 311 p.
Leonardo Canciani
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Osvaldo Graciano. 2008. Entre la torre de marfil y el compromiso político. Intelectuales de izquierda en la Argentina 1918-1955. Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. 382 p.
Luciana Garatte
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