Urban-rural linkages and the rise of new territorialities on lower rank settlements

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Guillermina Jacinto


Productive homogenization has altered the territorial construction processes inducing changes in the nature, intensity and directionality of urban-rural linkages in the pampean region. The creation of new joints and/or the redefinition of the pre-existing interactions involve functional, institutional and spatial dimensions, giving rise to specific forms of territorial resolution. Starting with approaches that upgrade the sectorial and dualistic approaches intrinsic to the paradigm of the modernization that have permeated the interpretation of processes of territorial construction from the opposition "campo-ciudad", it is proposed the inquiry from the convergence of macroprocesses that alter territorial trajectories, renewing at the same time the nature of the urban-rural linkages [the progress of the pluriactivity, the emergence of new actors and land uses in rural areas, the diffuse urbanization].Within this perspective, the minor settlements in the pampean region, constitute fields privileged for the exploration of modalities that take on urban-rural linkages. That shows how the emergence of new actors, logics and scales of action, challenges the traditional approaches of analysis of the urban-rural linkages and requires the need to renew approaches, rules and instruments in solidarity with the sustainable land management


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Jacinto, G. (2012). Urban-rural linkages and the rise of new territorialities on lower rank settlements. Mundo Agrario, 12(24). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/v12n24a06