Impacts of the modernization in the farmer units of the Alto Valle, in Rio Negro province

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María Belén Alvaro


The aim of this work is to identify the productive behaviors of the farmers in the fruit chain, in the context of the differential modernization of the activity. The methodological strategy is based on a structured design, with triangulation of cuanti and qualitative methods, working on a selective sample of family farmers, in Allen, Rí­o Negro. The study reveals that facing the increasing requirements of quality and health for the commercialization, new ways of heterogeneización come out in the structural positions this type of social subjects occupy. Also, these positions appeared to be linked to the labor insertions of the family members, and connotations for his paths of social reproduction


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How to Cite
Alvaro, M. B. (2012). Impacts of the modernization in the farmer units of the Alto Valle, in Rio Negro province. Mundo Agrario, 12(24). Retrieved from