Colonel Don Benito Machado. A National Guards commandant on the southern frontier of Buenos Aires [1852-1880]

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Leonardo Canciani


In this work, we will analyze the National Guard regiments and the role played by their commandants during the process of national organization on the southern frontier of Buenos Aires, from the case study of coronel don José Benito Machado. First of all, our objective will be describe the specific characteristics that adopted the National Guards in the societies of the southern frontier of the province of Buenos Aires. And then, to analyze the mechanisms developed by Benito Machado to build the power bases in the region that enabled the consolidation of its leadership


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Canciani, L. (2012). Colonel Don Benito Machado. A National Guards commandant on the southern frontier of Buenos Aires [1852-1880]. Mundo Agrario, 12(24). Retrieved from