Continuities and ruptures in Argentine's regional discourse: The process of conceptual construction of the Pampa

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Esteban Salizzi


The present article aims to compare the main proposals of regionalization of the argentine territory seeking to establish -from its survey, analysis and comparison- continuities and ruptures around the conceptual construction of the Pampa. This concern is set within the perspective that points out that regional geography -as geographical writing mode that appeals to the distinction, nomination and order of subnational entities to provide overall interpretations about the territory and society of a country-, in its various proposals, involves ways to represent and address the internal asymmetries of a society. It deepens, then, both in the various paradigms on which these proposals have been established as in the constructions that these have developed of the region in question. Geographical unit that has been repeatedly imagined as possessing a supposed centrality based on the population and industrial weight, the level of agricultural productivity, the generating of huge economic wealth, its history, and the agglutinating/articulating role of the economy and politics


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Salizzi, E. (2012). Continuities and ruptures in Argentine’s regional discourse: The process of conceptual construction of the Pampa. Mundo Agrario, 12(24). Retrieved from