The social forms of household production: An analysis of its construction from classification models for the Pampean case. Rojas, 2002

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Guillermo Oscar de Martinelli


This article proposes an approach to social forms of household production, theoretical reflection on articulating the dimensions of interest comprising the proposed definition and identification of different subtypes farm, within the category of family farm. Also review a number of factors are considered when explaining and / or define the family nature of family production units, then move through an exercise of estimating the importance of different family subtypes. From this exercise, we will look closer to the debate on the obstacles to the development of capitalism in agriculture on the basis of the data obtained. The article is based on census data reprocessing original National Agricultural Census of 2002, on the application if the Buenos Aires de Rojas.


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How to Cite
Martinelli, G. O. de. (2011). The social forms of household production: An analysis of its construction from classification models for the Pampean case. Rojas, 2002. Mundo Agrario, 12(23). Retrieved from
Dossier: On peasants, family farmers and petty bourgeois. Theoretical and methodological approaches of the agrarian soci