The "third line" of leadership Peronist in localities "extracéntricas" of the province of Buenos Aires, 1945-1955

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Alejandra Salomón


In this work we will examine the mediating function of the political local leaders in the construction of the foundations of the identification with the Buenos Aires Peronism. These, without being direct collaborators of Perón, recovered a fundamental role at the moment of generating power and prestige to the Peronism in localities "extracéntricas", removed from the centers of power and you insert in rural contexts. Is it possible to name them as the "third line" of leadership Peronist? To answer this mystery, we will explore from a microanalytical perspective the paths and increasing participation in the political sphere of some figures that allowed them, in major or minor degree, to turn into political local modals and to constitute social bases. We ask ourselves which was the foundation of legitimacy of his power and which was the margin of autonomy which they were possessing with regard to the instances of provincial and national power.


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Salomón, A. (2011). The "third line" of leadership Peronist in localities "extracéntricas" of the province of Buenos Aires, 1945-1955. Mundo Agrario, 12(23). Retrieved from