Conflict in the National Territory of Chaco: Agricultural Cooperatives in front of the Statute of the Rural Labourer

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Leandro Moglia


The arrival to the presidency of Juan Peron in 1946, meant for the Argentine agro continuity of some policies developed before the Revolution of 1943 and deepened by it. A decision with such production and marketing joined those aimed at improving the rural working class, so far neglected area. The application of the Statute of the Rural Pawn (1947) in a territory of frontier production and labor as the Chaco, in a local context unfavorable woke one of the most turbulent clashes between the agricultural cooperatives-organizations on behalf of its partners, and the Administration responsible for local implementation. The aim of this work to study, from the documentation produced by cooperatives and local print media, the conflict in the Chaco awoke when implementing the Statute of the Pawn


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How to Cite
Moglia, L. (2011). Conflict in the National Territory of Chaco: Agricultural Cooperatives in front of the Statute of the Rural Labourer. Mundo Agrario, 11(22). Retrieved from
Dossier: Social Economy, Agricultural Cooperativism and State Intervention. Argentina and Mexico Cases