The building and working of an ego-centric web of power. The epistolar exchange of Juan Manuel de Rosas with the judges of peace of the Buenos Airesïcountryside (1829-1852)

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Andrea Reguera


In this article, we propose to analyze the construction and the functioning of a power ego-network centred, that of Juan Manuel de Rosas, during the period of his first one (1829-1832) and his second government (1835-1852), across the correspondence that it supported with the judges of peace of the Buenos Aires campaign across his edecanes. This puts us, fundamentally, in touch with the topic of the communication, the circulation of the information and the construction of a space of political relation.


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Reguera, A. (2010). The building and working of an ego-centric web of power. The epistolar exchange of Juan Manuel de Rosas with the judges of peace of the Buenos Airesïcountryside (1829-1852). Mundo Agrario, 11(21). Retrieved from
Dossier: Power networks on Buenos Aires' rural world. Judges of peace of Provincia de Buenos Aires. Bonds, links and rel