Advance, persistence and decline of misery in the Chaco campesino-aborigen. His relationship with some territorial processes that occurred during the 90's

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Fernando Longhi


The nineties meant the deepening of the practice of a new order that responded to the neoliberal model. This model created conditions of instability, corruption, rising unemployment and concentration of wealth, which would have a recognized impact on the evolution of poverty in the Norte Grande Argentino (NGA), the area most lacking in the country according various demographic variables. In this territory we identified the critical nuclei in relation to the concentration of misery at the beginning and end of the decade. One of these nuclei corresponds to the Chaco campesino-aborigen. In this paper we analyze the main territorial processes occurring in each of these sectors, which could be associated with certain behaviors. Within these processes interested investigate the changes in the masses of crops, livestock, the number and area of farms and the population dynamics. As sources of information were used National Census of Population and Housing 1991 and 2001, the National Agricultural Census of 1988 and 2002 and vital statistics of the period between censuses.


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How to Cite
Longhi, F. (2010). Advance, persistence and decline of misery in the Chaco campesino-aborigen. His relationship with some territorial processes that occurred during the 90’s. Mundo Agrario, 11(21). Retrieved from