From "sociological anti latifundium" to historiographical revisionism. The cattle raising in the historiography of the Colombian Caribbean region

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Sergio Paolo Solano


The aim of this paper is to review the various interpretations of the historical significance of livestock in the Colombian Caribbean region. To this end, we study the intellectual and political process that led to form a body of opinions called by Louis E. Nieto Arteta "antilatifundismo" sociological" as well as the challenges to this tradition by recent research on the subject. As part of this discussion is to suggest points of view about relationships and conflicts between expanding livestock staged and certain forms of corporate ownership of land, as were the lands of the reservations of indigenous and communal lands and lands community populations.


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Solano, S. P. (2010). From "sociological anti latifundium" to historiographical revisionism. The cattle raising in the historiography of the Colombian Caribbean region. Mundo Agrario, 10(20). Retrieved from