Social utopia and technological utopia in the Argentinean lefts wingsthinking in order to change agrarian capitalism, 1890-1945

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Osvaldo Fabián Graciano


The objectives of this work are to rebuild the Communist and Socialist thinking and the political proposals used, between 1890 and 1945, to set a new model of economics and society within the agrarian sector in the Pampas Region, and which, on its basis, include elements of social and technological utopias. Along the first half of the twentieth century, the left wings developed several projects aimed to transform the agrarian economics and society in Argentina and thus, tried to influence the modifications of social and economics rural relations dominant in the country, and in particular in the Pampas Region. Those proposals started to throw the imaginary of a rural world different to the current upon the speech and the political thinking of the left wings. In many of them shaped as a social utopia and in others shaped as a technological utopia, for its realization.


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How to Cite
Graciano, O. F. (2010). Social utopia and technological utopia in the Argentinean lefts wingsthinking in order to change agrarian capitalism, 1890-1945. Mundo Agrario, 10(20). Retrieved from