Transformations in the Argentine dairy sector. The "medierí­a"as work social form

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Florencia Beltrame


The transformations of the dairy sector and rural social structure in Argentina have been taking place along the last decades. This process meant a profound restructuring of the pampas region. Throughout this work, we will see how the processes of technological change and restructuring resulted in a transformation of the "medierí­a" as a social and labor relation. It means, the relations of "medierí­a" had transformed according to the new requirements of the dairy production clusters. In summary, in this work we will discuss the transformations of the labor organization in the dairy sector in Argentina as a result of the modernization processes.


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How to Cite
Beltrame, F. (2010). Transformations in the Argentine dairy sector. The "medierí­a"as work social form. Mundo Agrario, 10(20). Retrieved from