"It was all America": rural inhabitant's decrease and immigration policies (1850-1930)

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Ricardo Robledo


Until the early XXth Century Castilla and Leon's area did not appear as migratory regions, which were basically the Mediterranean periphery or the Spanish northeast. On this text it will be briefly examined the causes of this weak migratory pulse as well as the ones that later provoked the massive exodus to America. Afterwards it is exposed very succinctly the migratory policies of Argentina, Cuba and Brazil, which were the main destinations of the castilians. Considering the decisive significance that the spaniard immigration had on the work-market formation, we will be able to know better the evolution of the migratory phenomena if we examine when and why were recommended the different immigration policies. Finally it is analyzed how those immigration policies were applied to know the preference rating for one or another type of emigrant.


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Robledo, R. (2010). "It was all America": rural inhabitant’s decrease and immigration policies (1850-1930). Mundo Agrario, 10(20). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/v10n20a01