State modernization and economic regulation in the provinces winemakers. Mendoza, 1936-1946

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María Silvia Ospital


The policies implemented in the country to overcome the consequences of the crisis of 1930 were measures to regulate production and trade, in the case of agricultural activities and industries. The entity created to handle the winemaking was Junta Reguladora de Vinos, which began operations after 1935. At the same time that they put into execution the provisions adopted by this national institution, the provincial authorities in the producing region arbitrated various practices designed to offset the sharper edges of the crisis and to reposition the agricultural industry at local and national market. In the province of Mendoza provincial authorities prescribed, starting in 1936, some regulations aimed at modernizing the state apparatus in an attempt to achieve greater efficiency in the implementation of regulatory policies and making the machinery of government to the demands of the new stage. The creation of a office specifically dedicated to the production of statistics and economic research under the provincial Ministry of Finance was the most important measure in this regard, while other provisions were trying to find in contemporary tourism development of a complementary alternative traditional wines


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How to Cite
Ospital, M. S. (2009). State modernization and economic regulation in the provinces winemakers. Mendoza, 1936-1946. Mundo Agrario, 9(18). Retrieved from
Dossier: The viticulture: an ancient activity that still acompanies us