Lucienville's Agriculture Corp. Ltda.

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Patricia Boari
Nora V. Fistein
Antonio M. Odriozola
Susana Rébora
Mario E. Solari


Since the evolution of agriculture corporativism and through its memoirs and balance books the present study analyzes the development of Lucienville's Agriculture Corp. Ltda. during the historic peronism. On this stage the institution got a particular incidence on diverse economic activities of national agro (seed accumulation, its industrialization and commercialization), at the same time it strengthened its role as center of social services to the associates.


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Boari, P., Fistein, N. V., Odriozola, A. M., Rébora, S., & Solari, M. E. (2008). Lucienville’s Agriculture Corp. Ltda. Mundo Agrario, 8(16). Retrieved from
Dossier: Agrarian History and recovery of local memory, Gualeguaychú (Entre Ríos)