Historians and Histories of Juan Calfucura

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Pilar Pérez


The purpose of this work is to question the form in that the historiography built and builds the image of the natives through the figure of one of its most important representatives: Calfucura. In turn, we try to discover in that construction the consequences a posteriori for the native's communities and their history. To reach this objective we peruse the different versions of the history of Calfucura focusing in two main axes: the cacique's figure and the interethnic relationships.


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Pérez, P. (2007). Historians and Histories of Juan Calfucura. Mundo Agrario, 8(15). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/v08n15a10
Dossier: Resistance and adaptation between the indigenous groups of pampa and patagonia (XVII and XIX centuries)