Los ejidos de los pueblos de campaña: ocupación y acceso a la propiedad legal en Monte, 1829-1865

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María Fernanda Barcos


This work propose to analyze one of the less known aspects of state policy related to the public land as it is the process of occupation and access to the legal property of the ejidos. In the first place we will study the legislation trying to give count of the different orientations that the successive governments intended to give to the policy about population and agriculture. Then we will take the case of the conformation of the Monte's ejido because the mark was made in an early period and in basically cattle-rising area so it will let us analyze the subject in a this specific productive context.


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How to Cite
Barcos, M. F. (2007). Los ejidos de los pueblos de campaña: ocupación y acceso a la propiedad legal en Monte, 1829-1865. Mundo Agrario, 7(14). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/v07n14a08
Dossier: Acceso y tenencia de la tierra en Argentina. Enfoques locales y regionales, siglos XVIII-XX