Transformaciones en la organización del trabajo en el cultivo del olivar. El caso de Andalucí­a

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M. David García Brenes


The globalization process and the liberalization of the economic activity have had a noticeable incidence in the social and economic reality of Andalusia, which is a region in the south of Spain . This research studies the most important transformations in the work market based on the results obtained with semi structured interviews to agriculture labourers of four towns representatives of the olive industry of Andalusia . The study points out how the process of reestructuration that this cultivates has followed had made that the olive industry lose a good portion of its social character and a growth of temporary labour. Through it is studied the secondary place that have the women work and how a significant number of labourers have been substituted by immigrants who accept the new conditions of work.


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García Brenes, M. D. (2007). Transformaciones en la organización del trabajo en el cultivo del olivar. El caso de Andalucí­a. Mundo Agrario, 7(14). Retrieved from