La Reducción que no fue. Santa Marí­a de Reyes de Guaycurúes, primeras décadas del siglo XVII

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María del Rosario Baravalle
María Florencia Font


In this communication we will try to show which was the approaching strategy that the Company tried to made in order to achieve the submission and evangelisation of Guaycurúes and which were the perceptions that the Jesuits had of them and the results those policies during the first decades of XVIIth century, minding that the experience of reduction had already a long history in the American colonial space.


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Baravalle, M. del R., & Font, M. F. (2007). La Reducción que no fue. Santa Marí­a de Reyes de Guaycurúes, primeras décadas del siglo XVII. Mundo Agrario, 7(13). Retrieved from
Dossier: La sociedad en la frontera rioplatense, siglos XVII-XVIII