Estado y cooperativismo eléctrico. El caso de la provincia de Córdoba, 1958-1966

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Liliana Mignola
Ángel Vicente Peñaloza


In this article, which is part of a major investigation devoted to the study of the electric development of the province of Córdoba between 1958 and 1966(1), it is analyzed the role played by cooperativism in the process of electrification and the results of the policy of the state when encouraging these types of institutions. The institution in charge of implementing that policy, expressly delegated by the local state, was Empresa Provincial de Energí­a de Córdoba (EPEC), (Provicial Electricity Company of Córdoba ); that is why it enjoys a distinguished position in the installations and development of these entities. In the consulted sources of information, particularly the memories and balance sheets of the public organization above mentioned, we have found detailed information about the financial help and the loans that the teams granted to cooperatives, tending to favor the expansion of the service to rural areas adjacent to the towns in which they were settled and also information about the development of the provincial electric infrastructure, across which the associations distributed the fluid.


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How to Cite
Mignola, L., & Peñaloza, Ángel V. (2006). Estado y cooperativismo eléctrico. El caso de la provincia de Córdoba, 1958-1966. Mundo Agrario, 6(12). Retrieved from
Dossier: Economía social e intervención estatal en la Argentina del siglo XX