La Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza de Rí­o Tercero: una institución al servicio de su comunidad, 1933- 1953

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María Elena Rodríguez


In our country, the electric cooperatives appeared in the 1920's decade as a popular reaction against the high bills and deficient service given by the enterprices of abroad capital that were in charge of energy generation and distribution.The Córdoba's province was not indifferent to this phenomenon, in this article we have the purpose to show the circumstances in which have place the Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza de Rí­o Tercero in 1933, this was different from the others in Córdoba's province because it did not generate the energy that distributed but bought it to the hydraulic usine of Rio Tercero's dock, and at the same time we want to rebound its evolution and the repercussions of its work during its first two decades of life in which it supplied of electric energy and began to negotiate to bring running water to the population of Rio Tercero, inaugurating that service in 1953 and becoming Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza y Agua Potable de Rio Tercero Limitada.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, M. E. (2006). La Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza de Rí­o Tercero: una institución al servicio de su comunidad, 1933- 1953. Mundo Agrario, 6(12). Retrieved from
Dossier: Economía social e intervención estatal en la Argentina del siglo XX