Juan Costa: un pionero del cooperativismo rural argentino, 1916-1927
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Some years ago the historic biography did not interest historians, who had lost interest over the study centered into the individual and his context and felt attractted to the complete social idea. Nowadays the focus of history is to recover the actions of the individuals inside the social process, rescuing the internal mechanisms in which they have place, this openned in exchange new and anew perspectives for this speciallity. This article takes form in this new line of historic biography centering in Juan Acosta's figure, a pioneer of argentinian rural cooperativism that had a exceptional performance in Cordoba's province. The central objetive of this work is to bring back the memory and discourse of an essential actor of the rural world that has not been adequatelly considered, or even studied in a systematic way. We believe that this investigation can fill an historiographic void and be an useful tool to the historic knowledge. The essential fonts for this analysis had been provincial and national newspapers, cooperative movement's newspapers, books of balance of the institutions were the main character performed, and some interviews.
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How to Cite
Bichsel, S., & Costa, M. (2006). Juan Costa: un pionero del cooperativismo rural argentino, 1916-1927. Mundo Agrario, 6(12). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/v06n12a07
Dossier: Economía social e intervención estatal en la Argentina del siglo XX
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