El temprano desarrollo de la vitivinicultura en Mendoza y en Canelones (1870-1930). Un análisis comparado

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Daniele Bonfanti


Starting from the end of XIX century, wine producing was a decisive factor in the process of modernization of Rio de la Plata area, contributing in differentiating the production and causing a fast industrialization in this particular field. Besides, local economies were revitalized by inserting them as specialized production areas in the national market. This article represents a first attempt of comparative analysis of the development of this field in two of the main wine producing areas in Rio de la Plata region: the Canelones department (Uruguay) and Mendoza province (Argentine).


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How to Cite
Bonfanti, D. (2006). El temprano desarrollo de la vitivinicultura en Mendoza y en Canelones (1870-1930). Un análisis comparado. Mundo Agrario, 6(11). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/v06n11a09
Dossier: Estructuras agrarias y espacios regionales latioamericanos en perspectiva comparada