Las tierras públicas en el sudeste bonaerense: los partidos de Arenales y Ayacucho, 1850-1880

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Valeria Araceli D'Agostino


This paper is about the passing of lands from public to private hands in two counties ("partidos"), Arenales and Ayacucho, of the "new South" of the Buenos Aires Province between 1850 and 1880. In this work, the context of the revision of the legislation of J. M. Rosas about the lands and the enforcement of public hiring of those lands and their later sales is taken into account. Which was the impact of those laws on the lands? ¿Who were the beneficiaries? ¿How did they affect the set of rights around the access to the land?, are among the questions that the paper intends to give answers to.


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How to Cite
D’Agostino, V. A. (2006). Las tierras públicas en el sudeste bonaerense: los partidos de Arenales y Ayacucho, 1850-1880. Mundo Agrario, 6(11). Retrieved from
Dossier: Estructuras agrarias y espacios regionales latioamericanos en perspectiva comparada