Estructuras agrarias comparadas: la Puna argentina y el sur boliviano a comienzos del siglo XX

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Ana A. Teruel


This article expects to be another contribution to the knowledge about the social-economic problems from the Argentine Puna, especifically to its agricultural structure, paying special attention to changes and permanences, concerning to property and land, key to economical and social power and fundamental axis of production relationship of this society. It focuses on the problematical fact of indian lands, making a comparison between the North of Argentina and the South of Bolivia, considering both political state systems about comunity lands and its effects in the agrarian structures in the begining of the XXth century.


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How to Cite
Teruel, A. A. (2006). Estructuras agrarias comparadas: la Puna argentina y el sur boliviano a comienzos del siglo XX. Mundo Agrario, 6(11). Retrieved from
Dossier: Estructuras agrarias y espacios regionales latioamericanos en perspectiva comparada