Actores y escenarios rurales en el Noticiero Bonaerense. 1948/1958

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Irene Marrone
Mercedes Moyano Walker


Between 1948 and 1958 the Noticiario Bonaerense followed provincial authorities in their pollitical tours around Buenos Aires' farming cities. In those images it is possible to find thematic and retoric changes in the speeches about agriculture policies. This turn around happened not only during the peronist's governments -Cnel Domingo Mercante (1946-52) y del mayor Carlos Aloé (1952-55)- but also through the so called Revolución Libertadora -Cnel Emilio A. Bonnecarrére (1955-58). During those years of fracture and pollitical and social iconoclastish enfrentation around 1955, an economic fight took place in association to the Libertadora's government (Raúl Prebisch y Federico Pinedo), wich was really critic to Perón and the Peronism in general, and the agricultural policy in particular. The Noticiario Bonaerense registered pollitical and iconographical discontinuities in the pollitical acts in the country, wich resulted really valuable to the reinterpretation of the mentioned debate. Through the state control of the symbolic space they kept on with the myth of the uthopic agriculture, practicing different ways of understanding and showing the state and society relationship supporting other scenarios and different actors.


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How to Cite
Marrone, I., & Moyano Walker, M. (2006). Actores y escenarios rurales en el Noticiero Bonaerense. 1948/1958. Mundo Agrario, 6(11). Retrieved from

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