Milicias, delito y control estatal en el Chaco (1884-1940)

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Oscar Ernesto Mari


During first half del century XX the National Territory del Chaco was scene of important transformations in its economic and social face. As a result of the height in the logging, and soon in the culture of the cotton, this jurisdiction became one of the regions of greater prosperity and population increase in the national scope. Nevertheless, these same peculiarities were those that paradoxically caused the maintained germination of a problematic one in the time: the insecurity in the rural scope. This problematic, its relation with the productive modalities of this Territory, and the solutions that were offered in different stages, will the present have to be analyzed in this paper.


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Mari, O. E. (2006). Milicias, delito y control estatal en el Chaco (1884-1940). Mundo Agrario, 6(11). Retrieved from