Del discurso poblador a la praxis latifundista: la distribución de la tierra pública en la Patagonia

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Susana Bandieri


One of the main task get done by the national State consolidatted in 1880 was to continue with the previous governments' practice of applying a systematic policy of transffering public lands to private hands through donation, selling or reward for services to the Nation. The concentration of the land in few hands and the expanssion of the great proprierties were the most known consequences of these policies, incremented with the expanssion of the internal borders through occupational military campaigns on the indigenous space. In this work it is studied the characteristics of the great landowners' accumulation process, throghout land-buyings to the State during the border's expansion process that got rid of the pre-existent society and consolidatted the great landowners' proprierties without giving place to massive process of half and little rural landowners sector, nor effective poblational center on the new borders, as the official discourse seemed to suggest.


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How to Cite
Bandieri, S. (2006). Del discurso poblador a la praxis latifundista: la distribución de la tierra pública en la Patagonia. Mundo Agrario, 6(11). Retrieved from