Ruralia, tradicionalismo y población en la puna de Jujuy durante el siglo XX

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Alfredo Bolsi


The growth of the population puneña during century XX is from the evolution of three central circumstances. First, it consists of which the society puneña, specially the rural one, has been, and largely it is it, ";a traditional"; society, that is to say, nonmodern, preindustrial, with social structure little differentiated, cultural guidelines differentials. The other is related to the process of joint between that traditional society and modern, the capitalist one, extra-puneña. The conjecture is that the consolidation of Capitalism in the Argentine Northwest from the last third of century XIX did not move nor replaced the traditional society: it coexisted with her during decades generating substantial changes in numerous aspects. Third it has to do with the action of the State: during the first decades of the XX it operated at least in the context of the positivismo, associated with the concept of development - nondistant to the one of progress. Through the progress, the traditional society transforms itself into a rational, secular society, with differentiated social structures.


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Bolsi, A. (2005). Ruralia, tradicionalismo y población en la puna de Jujuy durante el siglo XX. Mundo Agrario, 5(10). Retrieved from