The adoption of the Green Revolution model in the Mexican Bajío: plant breeding and modernization 1940-1970

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Yeniffer Camargo Bonilla


The text aims with the transformation of the agricultural productive fabric according to the adoption of two elements that impacted the productivity in this the sector. The project for modernization and agronomic control, besides biotechnological innovation, it is demonstrated through the support of regional and national archives that includes really important information about the economic policy in agricultural livestock of the whole territory known as Bajio. Furthermore, the modernization programs foment the diversification of the regional agrarian structure, obtaining a complementarity between the basic crops and the new agrarian and commercial crops. Besides the initiatives about the technological change were proposed as an alternative for producers to counter the problems like low production, pests, and exhausted plots.


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Camargo Bonilla, Y. (2023). The adoption of the Green Revolution model in the Mexican Bajío: plant breeding and modernization 1940-1970. Mundo Agrario, 23(54), e196.


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