The advance of agribusiness in marginal regions of the pampean agriculture: concentration of production and tensions between fractions of agrarian capital

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Patricio Vértiz


Over the last decade in Argentina, the agricultural activities have advanced over marginal areas for agriculture, such as the Salado Depression in the province of Buenos Aires. The main objective of this work is to identify the diversity of ways in which agribusiness are expressed in the area of Chascomús and Lezama. For this reason, we propose to characterize the main economic actors involved in the production of grains and analyze disputes generated by land use. The methodology of investigation consists of the analysis of semi-structured interviews to key informants and agricultural enterprises' agents, combining with the analysis of secondary sources of information.

The results of the study show the intensification of the competence on the use of the soil in the area, concluding that the new rules have involved the consolidation of some sectors (converted outsiders and local actors) and the subordination of others, including strata of small production.


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How to Cite
Vértiz, P. (2016). The advance of agribusiness in marginal regions of the pampean agriculture: concentration of production and tensions between fractions of agrarian capital. Mundo Agrario, 16(33). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Patricio Vértiz, Conicet FCAyF- UNLP

Ingeniero Agrónomo. Mg. en Procesos Locales de Innovación y Desarrollo Rural (PLIDER). Becario de investigación del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Docente de la Cátedra de Extensión Rural del Departamento de Desarrollo Rural, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (FCAyF-UNLP).