The hegemonic construction of technical institutions in the Argentine agriculture: analysis of AAPRESID and AACREA speeches in the last decade

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María Dolores Liaudat Landivar


This paper seeks to research on a type of organizations that gains relevance in recent decades in the Argentine agricultural world: the "technical organizations". We intend to trace the ideological nature and the aim of hegemonic construction of the two most representative associations: AAPRESID and AACREA. To advance in this way of research we have worked on the analysis of their discourses, using as sources documents the institutional journals, publications and videos, and minutes of the annual conferences. From this analysis we trace three elements: the roots of local and transnational discourses that they promote, the ways to articulate them and the hegemonic construction operations. These elements allow us to show the strategy of AAPRESID and AACREA to become an intellectual and moral authority in our country.


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How to Cite
Landivar, M. D. L. (2015). The hegemonic construction of technical institutions in the Argentine agriculture: analysis of AAPRESID and AACREA speeches in the last decade. Mundo Agrario, 16(32). Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Dolores Liaudat Landivar, Miembro de Centro de Investigaciones sobre Economía y Sociedad en la Argentina Contemporánea (UNQ). Estudiante del Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (UNQ). Becaria de Conicet.

Licenciada en Sociología. Estudiante del Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (UNQ). Docente. Miembro del Centro de Investigaciones sobre Economía y Sociedad en la Argentina Contempóranea (UNQ). Integrante como colaboradora del Proyecto Modelos de Desarrollo agrario en tensión: historia, presentes y perspectivas de la cuestión agraria en la región pampeana y el espacio peripampeanodirigo por Javier Balsa. Becaria de CONICET.