National Festival of Calf and Day of the branding (Ayacucho, 1969). The construction of local identities in the province of Buenos Aires in a context of transformation

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Silvana Villanueva


The aim of this paper is to analyze the immediate to the emergence of the NationalFestival of the calf and Err Day, celebrated since 1969 in the town of Ayacucho historical context. The uniqueness that acquires this celebration is the result of the profound changes that marked the societies of Buenos rural interior. To account for this statement, we will make a brief characterization of the festival of Ayacucho, by economic-political context in which emerges the party. Finally we will focus on the analysis of the origin of this celebration and the different events that took place during the first celebration



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How to Cite
Villanueva, S. (2015). National Festival of Calf and Day of the branding (Ayacucho, 1969). The construction of local identities in the province of Buenos Aires in a context of transformation. Mundo Agrario, 16(32). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Silvana Villanueva, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Profesora de Historia, Licenciada en Historia. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.