Alternatives to the conflict between environmental authorities and communities of protected areas in Colombian Páramos

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Lizeth Manuela Avellaneda-Torres
Esperanza Torres Rojas
Tomás Enrique León Sicard


Colombia is a country biologically and culturally megadiverse. Presented inside the largest expanse of páramos of the world, which are considered the planet's water plants and habitats of high biological diversity. However, human occupation of the Colombian Páramos has generated conflict between environmental regulations and productive land uses. This article analyzes the alternative proposed solutions to the conflict between environmental authorities of protected areas and inhabitants of the Páramos in Colombia. Previously there were two types of alternatives: The first suggested granting ecotourism services in parks and land purchases by mixed companies. The second proposed the abandonment of the production activities of farmers, mediated by educational processes and in compliance with environmental standards on pain of facing punitive action by the state. We propose a third alternative, that involves community management plans with time and institutional funding, and implementation of agroecological models, biocultural rescue memory and changes in agrarian structure


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Avellaneda-Torres, L. M., Torres Rojas, E., & León Sicard, T. E. (2015). Alternatives to the conflict between environmental authorities and communities of protected areas in Colombian Páramos. Mundo Agrario, 16(31). Retrieved from