Family Reunions: Broadened Kinship, Celebrated Rurality

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Renata Menasche
Josiane Carine Wedig


This articletakes family reunions held among peasants as a focus of study. During these events,keycultural categories come to light from which the analyzed group builds up ideas about kinship and also the relations that are implied in it. We observe that, in these cases, there are also indications of specific elements through which people express a valorization of rurality. To carry out this study, we collected data as part of an ethnographic research project conducted at a family reunion and in a rural community settled by German descendent immigrants, located in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil


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How to Cite
Menasche, R., & Wedig, J. C. (2014). Family Reunions: Broadened Kinship, Celebrated Rurality. Mundo Agrario, 15(30). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Renata Menasche, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Doctora en Antropología Social. Profesora de la Universidad Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), en la que es miembro del Laboratorio de Estudios Agrarios y Ambientales (LEAA) y está vinculada al grado en Antropología y a lo Programa de Post-graduación en Antropología (PPGA). Profesora del Programa de Post-graduación en Desarrollo Rural de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (PGDR/UFRGS).

Josiane Carine Wedig, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Licenciada y Graduada en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). Máster en Desarrollo Rural por la Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) y Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales en Desarrollo, Agricultura y Sociedad en la Universidad Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).

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