Glimpses of new subject: Workers salting conflicts and the formation of the working class at Entre Rí­os (1854-1868)

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Rodolfo Leyes


The objective of this paper is to show the existence of worker struggle at Entre Rí­os, from the wage dispute in the salted meet manufacture between 1854 and 1868. Collaterally, we question the date of genesis of the Argentinean workers movement. The reconstruction of the conflicts was made whit variety source: chronics of the travelers, official documentation, and principally, analysis of collected letters of Justo José de Urquiza’s salted meet establishment. From the empiric evidence, that shows the confrontation between the workers and the bosses, we assert the existence of a proletarian in formation. We’ll analyze the struggle strategies and the boss mechanisms to surpass the situation postulated


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How to Cite
Leyes, R. (2014). Glimpses of new subject: Workers salting conflicts and the formation of the working class at Entre Rí­os (1854-1868). Mundo Agrario, 15(30). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Rodolfo Leyes, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos/CONICET

El autor realizó sus estudios de profesor y licenciado en Historia en la Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos, donde centró su estudio en el surgimiento y la transformación de la clase obrera en la provincia de Entre Ríos. Actualmente posee una beca Tipo I del CONICET. Por tanto, realiza su Doctorado en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.