Conflict and resistances in the margins of The Pampas (1990-2012)

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María Eugenia Comerci


Forms of production of material and immaterial territories come into tension and are juxtaposed when spaces dominated by peasant territoriality are revalued by the capital and seek to impose its spatiality. In the pampas West end in the period 1990-2012, as well as new rationales and practices of farmers, they advanced the process of commodification and the actions of foreign productores-empresarios. In this context, conflicts over the use and appropriation of resources, way of life and the social construction of space emerged. The Organization of families practising possession acts to preserve the shape of "open fields" management and control of the territory, gave rise to the formation of collective strategies. Before conflicts generated by the use of the monte and the shrinking of the fields for the last ten years by the arrival of new agents that surrounds the properties and dismantle the circuits of grazing, many families of the place began to organize with the support of urban organizations to denounce the space of shared grazing reductions. In order to analyse the changes and rebuild rural organization strategies, we use different empirical materials that combine analysis of statistics with interviews in depth and interpretation of various documents.


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How to Cite
Comerci, M. E. (2014). Conflict and resistances in the margins of The Pampas (1990-2012). Mundo Agrario, 15(30). Retrieved from
Dossier: Propiedad de la tierra en Argentina: actores, conflictos y territorialidad
Author Biography

María Eugenia Comerci, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa- Conicet

Geógrafa. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Magister en Estudios Culturales. Profesora Asociada Regular en Geografía de Argentina e investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (UNLPam), Investigadora asistente del CONICET. Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ). Integrante del Equipo  de Investigación del Proyecto Plurianual CONICET “Actores sociales, Estado y política en el Agro pampeano, 1930-2008” (IDIHCS-CONICET/FAHCE/Universidad Nacional de la Plata).