The agropecuarian sector in Los Lagos region, and the paradigm "Chile power food": challenges for a national agrarian policy

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Sandra Ríos Núñez
Gustavo Torres Osses


The restructuring of the economic model in Chile in the mid- seventies hit all productive fields and the agropecuarian sector was no exception. Thus started the beginning of the "Agricultural export Age" that fostered productive guidelines with clear competitive advantages in international markets. The Chilean agricultural paradigm has been characterized by functioning on the basis of low wages, availability of labor and favorable exchange rate. In 2006, under this scenario, the public policy called "Chile Power Food 2020" was implemented, which seeks to reinforce the above formula. This initiative considers growth strategies which make bimodal agrarian structure, present in the country, invisible. To the above an added aggravating factor is that territories (such as Los Lagos Region in southern Chile) with traditional productive orientations (specifically cattle) have clearly vulnerable positions, especially in those producer groups which are characterized by different rationales to run business


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Ríos Núñez, S., & Torres Osses, G. (2014). The agropecuarian sector in Los Lagos region, and the paradigm "Chile power food": challenges for a national agrarian policy. Mundo Agrario, 15(29). Retrieved from