The Country's Conflict. Cultural matrices and political identifications

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Sebastián Rigotti


This paper attempts to make some contributions that can promote to the understanding of the so called "The Country ´s Conflict" (2008), from visible the relationship between culture and politics. To do this, we focus on presenting the theoretical point of view from which we consider the above relationship as well as treatment of empirical data that we have built. In this way, we will begin with a review of the changes in the agricultural sector during the nineties, as we learn about the situation of the social structure of farming, while then discuss studies that other researchers have done on the Conflict mentioned. Then, we present a brief reflection on the theoretical assumptions involved in the analysis of social structure and conflict to account for some of its limitations. The last sections of this text depict, first, the theoretical standpoint from which to try to build the relationship between culture and politics to understand the Conflict from a different point of view to wich we previously review, and, secondly, we present some excerpts of in-depth interviews we do, from which it tries to establish the relationship between the evidence and the cultural matrices that, we guess, allowed the Conflict.


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How to Cite
Rigotti, S. (2014). The Country’s Conflict. Cultural matrices and political identifications. Mundo Agrario, 15(29). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Sebastián Rigotti, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Docente e investigador. Licenciado en Comunicación Social. Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales por UNER. Miembro del Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Políticas (FCE, UNER). Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos de Investigación en Comunicación (Lic. en Comunicación Social, FCE, UNER) y de Epistemología (FHAyCS, UADER). Integrante de la Comisión de Accesibilidad y DDHH de la UNER.