"The sugar proceeds from the land". The role of state agencies in modernizing of Tucuman sugarcane agriculture (1880-1910)

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Daniel Moyano


We propose to analyze the role played by state agencies in the  sugar cane modernization  process of Tucuman. We will focus on the work of the National Department of Agriculture (since 1898, Ministry of Agriculture) and the actions of the provincial government offices in the creation of educational and experimental institutions for agro-industrial development. As a complement, we’ll study the interaction between the state and the private  agencies (sugarcane  farmers, industrials and scientific staff involved in this activity) under the proposed reforms to incorporate  'scientific'  agriculture in Tucuman ´s rural areas.


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How to Cite
Moyano, D. (2014). "The sugar proceeds from the land". The role of state agencies in modernizing of Tucuman sugarcane agriculture (1880-1910). Mundo Agrario, 15(29). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/MAv15n29a04
Dossier: Nuevas miradas sobre la innovación tecnológica en la agricultura argentina, 1880-1940