Agricultural education, enologists and technology to ‘quality wine industry’, Mendoza, 1890-1930

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Florencia Rodriguez Vázquez


Based on the relationship between education and economy, the objective of this article is to analyze the impact of public policies on agricultural education in the regional wine economy. To do so, first, we focus on the major sectorial educational projects in Mendoza in the consolidation period of the productive model of capitalist basis, and in the contribution of technicians involved in these establishments. The reconstruction is based on data obtained from primary sources, edited and unpublished, official and unofficial. As a result, it is shown that the State, national and provincial, answered to the demands of human resource training, and the constitution of a subgroup that initiated technical discussions and made significant contributions on wine and winemaking.


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How to Cite
Rodriguez Vázquez, F. (2014). Agricultural education, enologists and technology to ‘quality wine industry’, Mendoza, 1890-1930. Mundo Agrario, 15(29). Retrieved from
Dossier: Nuevas miradas sobre la innovación tecnológica en la agricultura argentina, 1880-1940
Author Biography

Florencia Rodriguez Vázquez, Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales. CONICET

Dra. en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Investigadora Asistente CONICET

Miembro de proyectos de investigación de la UNCuyo y de CONICET