Territorial (Dis)Ordering in Salta. A look into the context prior to the Territory Planning of Native Forests in the Province of Salta

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Mariana Schmidt


In this article, we look into the characteristics of production in the Province of Salta during the years prior to the approval of National Law No. 26,331 of "Minimum Budget for Environmental Protection of Native Forests" and to the implementation of policies of Territory Planning of Native Forests. We begin briefly describing the transformations occurred in the Argentinian countryside since the early 1970, and go on characterizing such process and its specific features in the east of Salta, where the agricultural border in the last decades has rapidly gained ground over territories in the past considered marginal for agricultural and livestock business production


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Schmidt, M. (2014). Territorial (Dis)Ordering in Salta. A look into the context prior to the Territory Planning of Native Forests in the Province of Salta. Mundo Agrario, 15(28). Retrieved from https://www.mundoagrario.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/MAv15n28a12