Business associations in agriculture and accumulation crisis, 1998-1999. A precedent for the "Mesa de Enlace"

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Sebastián Salvia


The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the action of the agriculture business associations in 1998-99, analyzing it vis a vis the sector situation in the economic crisis. We analyze the situation of agriculture under the Currency board by official statistics and literature. Furthermore, we address the demands of the organization and business associations in agriculture through documents, statements and declarations. About the results, we can highlight the change to a critical position of SRA and CRA in the crisis, the similarity of demands with FAA and Coninagro and the different degrees of unity expressed in the process


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Salvia, S. (2014). Business associations in agriculture and accumulation crisis, 1998-1999. A precedent for the "Mesa de Enlace". Mundo Agrario, 15(28). Retrieved from