Americans city and countryside seen from the Council of the Indies in Madrid (1570-1650)

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Guillaume Gaudin


How Madrid administration, i.e. the Council of the Indies, considered urban and rural areas in America? From classical sources (the Ordenanzas of 1573 and Relaciones geográficas of 1577) and unpublished (the work and papers of the clerk of the Council of the Indies, Juan Dí­ez de la Calle), we understand the importance of the city as a place of dominance over the countryside and implementation of royal power thanks to the presence of the representatives of the Crown nominated in Madrid. The city, with its officers and priests, obsesses while the field in the background is only seen as a resource


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Gaudin, G. (2013). Americans city and countryside seen from the Council of the Indies in Madrid (1570-1650). Mundo Agrario, 14(27). Retrieved from